Dr. Xinwen Fu
- Best paper award at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII) 2019
- Best paper award, International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2017
- Teaching Excellence Award of Department of Computer Science, UMass Lowell, 2016
- Best paper award, International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC) 2016
- Award of Excellence, GeekPwn 2016 Ethic Smart Life Hack Competition
- Erich Spengler Student Cyber Paper Award (best student paper award)
with students, The Colloquium for Information Security Education
(CISSE), 2016
- Spotlight Paper of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), February 2014
- Best paper award, International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2013
- Best paper award, IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC): Communications and Information Security (CIS)
Symposium, 2013
- Teaching award, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2011
- Spotlight Paper of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), July 2010
- Best paper award, International Conference on Communications (ICC): Information and Network Security Symposium, 2008
- The Merrill Hunter Award for Excellence in Research, Dakota State University, 2008
- 1st place, Oral Competition in the Student Research Week, Texas A&M University, 2005
- Graduate Student Research Excellence Award, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 2004
- 2nd Place Graduate Winner, ACM International Student Research Contest, 2002
- Elite Scholarship, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1996
- Excellent Student Scholarship, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 1991 - 1995.
External Grants
- Title: Collaborative Research: SaTC: EDU: Creating Windows Advanced Memory Corruption Attack and Defense Teaching Modules. Source: NSF Award # 2325451. PI: Xinwen Fu. Duration: 10/1/23–9/30/26. Amount: $330,000/$400,000
- Title: GenCyber Student Program at University of Massachusetts Lowell; PI: Xinwen Fu; Co-PIs: Benyuan Liu, Fred Martin, Claire Lee; Source: NSA; Amount: $150,000; Duration: 8/1/21 – 7/31/23. Award number: 21A-MA-UMLx-UV-S1
- Title: GenCyber Summer Camp at the University of Massachusetts Lowell; PI: Xinwen Fu; Co-PIs: Sashank Narain, Fred Martin, Claire Lee; Other personnel: Sirong Lin; Source: NSA; Amount: $100,000; Duration: 3/1/21 – 2/28/22. Award number: 21-MA-UMLx-UV-S1
- Title: Building Intelligence with Layered Defense using Security-Constrained Optimization and Security Risk Detection (BUILD-SOS); PI: Qun Zhou, Co-PIs: George Atia, Zhihua Qu, Wei Sun, Xinwen Fu; Source: DOE; Amount: $3.75 million ($3 million from DOE and $0.75 million from cost share); Duration: June 1, 2020 – May 31, 2023. Award number: DE-EE0009152
Title: CPS: Medium: A Secure, Trustworthy, and Reliable Air Quality Monitoring System for Smart and Connected Communities, (PI: Xinwen Fu, Co-PIs: Deliang Fan, Haofei Yu, Kelly Stevens, Thomas Bryer), Source: NSF, Duration: 10/19 – 9/22, Amount: $1,198,111, Award Number: 1931871
- SaTC: EDU: Collaborative: Building a Low-cost and State-of-the-art IoT Security Hands-on Laboratory, (PI: Xinwen Fu, Co-PIs: Cliff Zou, Yan Solihin), Source: NSF, Duration: 10/19 – 9/22, Amount: $340,175/$490,175, Award Number: 1915780
- Title: An IoT Security and Privacy Course Built upon Frontier Research, Industry Need and Affordable Platforms for Classrooms, PI: Xinwen Fu, Source: NSA, Duration: 3/2017 - 12/2018, Amount: $131,350
- Title: CICI: Regional: New England Cybersecurity Operation and Research Center (CORE), (PI: Xinwen Fu, Co-PIs: Lawrence Wilson, Benyuan Liu, Yan Luo), Source: NSF, Duration: 1/2017 - 12/2019, Amount: $500,000, Award Number: 1642124
- Title: CICI: Secure Data Architecture: STREAMS: Secure Transport and REsearch Architecture for Monitoring Stroke Recovery, (PI: Yan Luo, Co-PIs: Martin Margala, Xinwen Fu, Yu Cao); Source: NSF; Duration: 1/2016 - 12/2019; Amount: $499,858; Award Number: 1547428
- Title: HCISec - Enhancing Undergraduate Research in Modern Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Security and Privacy, (PI: Xinwen Fu, Co-PI: Kate Saenko), Source: NSF, Duration: 6/2015 - 5/2019, Amount: $249,676; Award Number: 1461060
- Title: I-Corps: Commercialization Feasibility Research and Demonstration Preparation for Third-Party Localization Toolkits, (PI: Xinwen Fu), Source: NSF, Duration: 10/2012 - 3/2013, Amount: $50,000; Award Number: 1264047
- Title: TC: Small: Collaborative Research: Membership Inference in a Differentially Private World and Beyond (PI: Xinwen Fu), Source: NSF, Duration: 9/2011 - 8/2014, Amount: $166,123 / $495,254; Award Number: 1116644
- Title: II-New: A Network Forensics Lab for Integrated Research and Education at University of Massachusetts Lowell (PI: Xinwen Fu; Co-PIs: Benyuan Liu, Jie Wang), Source: NSF, Duration: 3/2010 - 2/2013, Amount: $500,278; Award Number: 0958477
- Title: Creating Learning Materials and Strategies for Network Forensics Education (PI: Xinwen Fu; Co-PI: Benyuan Liu), Source: NSF, Duration: 8/2010 - 7/2012, Amount: $188,314; Award Number: 0942113
- Title: Collaborative Research: EAGER: Novel Theoretical Foundation for Wireless Positioning in Challenging Environments (PI: Xinwen Fu), Source: NSF, Duration: 9/2009 - 7/2012, Amount: $75,000 / $150,000; Award Number: 0943479
- Title: Collaborative Research: WN: Proper Location Identification in Wireless Networks (PI: Xinwen Fu), Source: NSF, Duration: 9/2007 - 8/2010; REU Supplement Duration: 9/2009 - 8/2010, Amount: $214,147 / $636,811; REU Supplement Amount $16,000; Award Number: 0721766
- Title: MRI: Acquisition of Equipment to Establish an Information Assurance Infrastructure for Research and Education at Dakota State University (PI: Xinwen Fu; Co-PIs: Steven Graham, Kevin Streff, Thomas Halverson), Source: NSF, Duration: 8/2007 - 7/2010, Amount: $120,557; Award Number: 0722856
- Title: Effectively and Efficiently Tracking Malicious Use of Anonymous Communication (PI: Xinwen Fu), Source: South Dakota Governor Individual Research Seed Grant Program, Duration: 9/2006 - 9/2007, Amount: $48,450
Internal Grants
- Title: Cyber Crime Scene Investigation: Classification and System, Source: University of Massachusetts Lowell, Duration: 6/1/15 - 6/30/17, Amount: $10,000
- Title: Building National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, Source: UMassOnline, Duration: 3/2015 - 8/2015, Amount: $10,000
- Title: Center for Cyber Forensics, Source: University of Massachusetts Lowell, Duration: 9/2010 - 8/2012, Amount: $31,000 plus tuition and fees
- Title: A New Replay Attack Against Anonymous Communication Networks, Source: Faculty Research Initiative Grant at Dakota State University, Duration: 10/2007 - 5/2008, Amount: $1,000
- Title: Traffice Analysis Attacks and Countermeasures, Source: Proposal Initiative Award at Dakota State University, Duration: 3/2007 - 6/2007, Amount: $500
- Title: Improving TCP Performance in Flow Based Anonymous Communication Networks, Source: Faculty Research Initiative Grant at Dakota State University, Duration: 3/2007 - 6/2007, Amount: $500
- Title: Measuring and Improving Anonymous Network Performance, Source: Student Research Initiative Awards at Dakota State University, Duration: 10/2006 - 5/2007, Supervised Student: Jie Yu, Amount: $300
- Title: Faculty Research Initiative Grants - Camouflaging Virtual Honeypots (PI), Source: Dakota State University, Duration: 10/2005 - 5/2006, Amount: $1,000
- Title: Political Data Mining and Voter Decision Support Systems: Implementation and Security Research, Source: Student Research Initiative Awards at Dakota State University, Duration: 10/2005 - 5/2006, Supervised Student: Ivan Ven Osdel, Amount: $500