Assistant Professor
Office: Dandeneau Hall, office 324 Phone: 978-934-3682 Email: matteo_cimini [A_T] uml [DOT] edu |
Lang-n-Play: A Programming Language with Languages as First-class Citizens. slides. |
Lang-n-Send: Processes That Send Languages. slides. |
Lang-n-Change: A DSL for Language Transformations. slides. |
Lang-n-Check: (Extrinsic) Type Systems for Language Definitions. slides. |
Lang-n-Prove: A Proof Language for Language Proofs. slides. |
Lang-SQL (or Lang-n-Query): A Query Language for Querying Languages. slides. |
Lang-n-Assert: From Program Logics to Language Logics. |
Comp.3010 Organization of Programming Languages: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer II 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Spring 2020. |
Comp.5310 Design of Programming Languages: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Spring 2018. |
Comp.4040 Analysis of Algorithms: Spring 2023, Fall 2020. |
Comp.5020 Foundations of Computer Science: Spring 2025, Fall 2018, Fall 2017. |
Comp.3040 Foundations of Computer Science: Spring 2020. |
SLE 2025. (Int. Conference on Software Language Engineering). PC Member. |
FORTE 2025. (Int. Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems). PC Member. |
ICE 2025 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
FLOPS 2024. (Int. Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming). PC Member. |
EXPRESS/SOS 2024. (Int. Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency + Int. Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics). PC Member. |
OOPSLA 2023. External Review / Artifact Evaluation Committee Member. |
EXPRESS/SOS 2023. (Int. Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency + Int. Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics). PC Member. |
FLOPS 2022. (Int. Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming). PC Member. |
ICFP 2021. PC Member. |
ICE 2021 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
POPL 2020. PC Member. |
ICE 2020 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
SLE 2019. (Int. Conference on Software Language Engineering). PC Member. |
TFP 2019. (Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming). PC Member. |
EXPRESS/SOS 2019. (Int. Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency + Int. Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics). PC Member. |
ICE 2019 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
IFL 2018. Co-Chair. The 30th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages took place at UMass Lowell! |
SBMF 2018 (21st Brazilian Symposium On Formal Methods). PC Member. |
PLDI 2018 (ERC). External Review Committee Member. |
ICE 2018 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
POPL 2017 SRC (POPL Student Research Competition). Evaluation Committee Member. |
ICE 2017 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
EXPRESS/SOS 2016 (Int. Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency + Int. Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics). PC Member. |
PrePost 2016 (Int. Workshop on Pre- and Post-Deployment Verification Techniques, workshop). PC Member. |
ICE 2016 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
YR-CONCUR 2015 , satellite workshop of CONCUR 2015. Organizer and PC Chair. |
EXPRESS/SOS 2015 (Int. Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency + Int. Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics). PC Member. |
ICE 2015 (Interaction and Concurrency Experience, workshop). PC Member. |
EXPRESS/SOS 2014, (Int. Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency + Int. Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics). PC Member. |
PACO 2011 (Int. Workshop on Process Algebra and Coordination), satellite workshop of DisCoTec 2011. Organization Chair and website maintainer. |
PLDI Artifact Evaluation 2018. Evaluation Committee Member. |
OOPSLA Artifact Evaluation 2018. Evaluation Committee Member. |
OOPSLA Artifact Evaluation 2017. Evaluation Committee Member. |