Photo of Matteo Cimini

Matteo Cimini

Assistant Professor
Miner School of Computer & Information Sciences
Kennedy College of Sciences
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Miner School of Computer & Information Sciences
University of Massachusetts Lowell
1 University Ave.
Lowell, MA 01854

Office: Dandeneau Hall, office 324
Phone: 978-934-3682
Email: matteo_cimini [A_T] uml [DOT] edu

Research Interests

Programming languages, formal semantics, type systems, programming language validation and verification, gradual typing, interactive theorem proving, concurrency theory, process algebra, bisimulation and coinductive techniques.


Recent News

Current Work: Lang-n-X series of systems:

You can read an overview of the series here (pdf, 4 pages + references).
(Most recent tool is Lang-n-Assert.)

If you think that a talk about the Lang-n-X series can be a nice keynote speech, please contact me.



My previous affiliations and education