Data Center Networking, Cloud Computing System, edge computing.
Application-aware Networking, Network Multimedia, Internet of Things.
Mobile network and computing.
Selected Publications
A. Abdelmoniem*, Hengky Susanto*, and B. Bensaou, " Reducing Latency in Multi-Tenant Data Centers via Cautious a Cautious Congestion Watch ", (ACM ICPP 2020), Edmonton, Canada.
PDF * Equal contribution.
Hengky Susanto, Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem, Honggang Zhang, Benyuan Liu, and Don Towsley. " A Near Optimal Multi-Faced Job Scheduler for Datacenter Workloads ", (IEEE ICDCS 2019), Dallas, Texas, USA.
PDF (Multi-stage coflows)
Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem, Brahim Bensaou, and Hengky Susanto, " Taming Latency in Data centers via Active Congestion-Probing", (IEEE ICDCS 2019), Dallas, Texas, USA.
Hengky Susanto, Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem, Hao Jin, and Brahim Bensaou, " Creek: Inter Many-to-Many Coflows Scheduling for Datacenter Networks ", (IEEE ICC 2019), Shanghai, China.
Yawen Pan, Chen Tian, Jiaqi Zheng, Gong Zhang, Hengky Susanto, Bo Bai, and Guihai Chen. " Support ECN in Multi-Queue Datacenter Networks via per-Port Marking with Selective Blindness." (IEEE ICDCS 2018), Vienna, Austria.
Hengky Susanto, Honggang Zhang, ShingYip Ho, and Benyuan Liu, "Effective Mobile Data Trading in Secondary Ad-hoc Market with Heterogeneous and Dynamic Environment", (IEEE ICDCS 2017), Atlanta, US. PDF
Hengky Susanto, Hao Jin, and Kai Chen, " Stream: Decentralized Opportunistic Inter Coflows Scheduling for Datacenter Networks ", (IEEE ICNP 2016), Singapore.
Honggang Zhang, Benyuan Liu, Hengky Susanto, Guoliang Xue, Tong Sun, " Incentive Mechanism for Proximity-based Mobile Crowd Service Systems ", (IEEE INFOCOM 2016), San Fransico, US.
Hengky Susanto, B. G. Kim, and Benyuan Liu, " User Experience Awareness Network Optimization for Video Streaming Based Applications", Book Chapter: Advances in Computer Communications and Networks - from green, mobile, pervasive networking to big data computing , 2016. First draft
Hengky Susanto, Benyuan Liu, B.G. Kim, Honggang Zhang, and Xinwen, Fu " Pricing and Revenue Sharing in Secondary Market of Mobile Internet Access ", (IEEE IPCCC 2015), Nanjing, China.
Hengky Susanto, B. G. Kim, and Benyuan Liu, "User Experience Driven Multi-Layered Video Based Application ", (IEEE ICCCN 2015), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Hengky Susanto,Jonatan Lassa, Benyuan Liu and B. G. Kim," Targeted Emergency Network Services Deployment Algorithm for Disaster Relief Agencies ", (IEEE ICC 2015), London, UK.
Hengky Susanto, Bhanu Kaushik, Benyuan Liu and B. G. Kim," Pricing and Revenue Sharing Mechanism for Secondary Re-distribution of Data Service for Mobile Devices ", (IEEE IPCCC 2014), Austin, Texas, USA.
Hengky Susanto and B. G. Kim," Recovery of Information Lost by the Least Squares Estimation in Real-Time Network Environment ", International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA 2014), Cambridge, MA, USA, 2014.
Hengky Susanto," From Self-Regulate to Admission Control in Real-Time Traffic Environment ", Advabce Information Networking an Application (AINA 2014), Victoria, Canada, 2014.
Hengky Susanto and B. G. Kim," Functional Scheme for IPV6 Mobile Handoff ", International Journal Communication and Technology (IJCNT), Vol. 2, No. 1, January, 2014.
Hengky Susanto and B. G. Kim," Congestion Control with QoS and Delays Utility Function ", proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2013) Workshop - ContextQoS, Nassau, Bahamas.
Alva Couch, Hengky Susanto, and Marc Chiarini, " Estimating Reliability of Conditional Promise " , (AIMS 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4543, pp. 85-96, Springer, Oslo, Norway, June 2007.
Alva Couch, Hengky Susanto, and Marc Chiarini, " Modeling Change without Breaking Promise ", (AIMS 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4543, pp. 97-108, Springer, Oslo, Norway, June 2007.
Alva Couch, Ning Wu, and Hengky Susanto, " Toward a Cost Model for System Administration ",
In proceeding of USENIX Large Installation System Administration (LISA 2005), San Diego, CA, USA. Best Paper Award RecipientPDF
I enjoy rowing, photography, music, and martial art.