- Feb 2019. The 2nd International Summer School for Conversational
Intelligence (CISS 2019) will be held at UMass Lowell, June 24-29, 2019. Free to qualifying
students! Registration opens Feb 15, 2019. Qualifying round
begins Feb 25, 2019 and ends Mar
25, 2019.
- Dec 2018. The next Clinical Natural Language
Processing Workshop will be held at NAACL 2019. Submission deadline: Mar
6, 2019.
- Dec 2017.
The Third Workshop on Evaluating Vector Space Representations
for NLP (RepEval-2019) will be held at NAACL 2019. Submission deadline: Mar
6, 2019.
- Jun 2018. Text Machine Lab is organizing a SemEval-2019 task
Normalization of Medical Concepts in Clinical
Narrative (Task 11). Help spread the word!
- May 2018. LREC 2018
Tutorial: Distributional compositional
semantics in the age of word embeddings: tasks, resources and methodology.
- Apr 2018. Text Machine Lab is
hiring! Two PhD positions open, available immediately.
- Jan 2018. We are once again a hosting site for
for the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad
- Jan 2017. We are going to serve as a hosting site
for the North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad
(NACLO). Please register to participate by 1 pm EST on January 25,
2017. Check out time, location, and other
- Jun 2016. We are organizing a workshop
on Clinical Natural Language Processing
at COLING 2016. Submission deadline is September 25, 2015. Please submit your work!
- Jun 2016. Text Machine Lab is organizing a SemEval-2017 task
#HashtagWars: Learning a Sense of Humor (Task
6). Training data for the task was released on September 5, 2016. Evaluation will start
on January 9, 2017. Please register to participate!
- Jan 2016. Text Machine Lab's system for measuring semantic similarity of text
(SimiHawk) placed 7th out of 119 systems
submitted to the
Semantic Textual Similarity task in SemEval
2016 (Task 1), placing our team 6th out of 43 participating teams. Congrats to Peter Potash, Alexey Romanov, and Willie Boag!
- Jan 2015. Text Machine Lab's system for Twitter sentiment analysis (TwitterHawk) takes 1st place in SemEval2015 Task 10C (Topic-Based Message Polarity Classification). Congrats to William Boag and Peter Potash!
- Nov 2014. CliNER system for clinical named entity recognition released @ 2014 i2b2/UTHealth Shared-Tasks and Workshop on Challenges in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data
- May 2014. LREC 2014 Tutorial: Deep Semantic Annotation with Shallow Methods.
- Dec 2013. NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Clinical Data Analysis and Healthcare.
- Nov 2013. Dagstuhl seminar on Computational Models of Language Meaning in\
Anna Rumshisky
I am an Associate Professor at
the Department of Computer Science at University of Massachusetts Lowell where I lead The Text Machine Lab for natural language processing.
I am a Research Affiliate in the Clinical Decision-Making
Group within the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
at MIT.
I was previously a Postdoctoral Associate in the Clinical Decision-Making
Group within the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
at MIT, as well as
a Visiting Research Scientist and Lecturer at
the Laboratory for Linguistics and Computation (LLC)
within the Computer Science Department
at the Volen National Center for
Complex Systems at Brandeis University.
Selected Projects
Automated NLP. Because people tire.
Research Interests
. Natural language processing
. Machine Learning
. Deep Learning
. Computational linguistics
. Clinical/Medical NLP
. Information extraction
. Text-based temporal reasoning
. Conversational agents
. Computational Lexical semantics
. Word sense disambiguation
. Novel word use
. Humour and sentiment
. Digital humanities
. Computational social science